Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How To Make Money Online From Home In Kenya

2019/2020 ways to Make money online from home in Kenya easily with a proven working strategy....

There are so many Legit Ways To Make Money online from home in kenya which can be done with any internet connection device

Best Ways To Make Money From Home In Kenya 2019/2020

1. Make Money Online From Home In Kenya By Starting A YouTube Channel

Starting a Youtube channel is the simplest way of making money online from home in Kenya and needs no investment.

YouTube gets almost 5 billion video views per day which proves its power on the internet.

Felix Kjellberg, the owner of PewDiePie (a YouTube account), has earned 12 million dollars in 2015 by running a single YouTube channel.

You too can see such success if you capitalize on the opportunity that YouTube provides us currently.

People Suitable For Making Money With YouTube In Kenya

People who love to create videos, like to talk in front of a camera, shoot documentaries or short films.

Skills Required To Make Money From YouTube

Ability to create a video using software tools or record a video using your mobile phone or camcorder.

Time Required For Starting A YouTube Channel 

Virtually you can start within minutes. You'll have to visit YouTube.com, create a channel and upload videos.

Tips To Make Money With YouTube In Kenya

1. Create a YouTube channel around a specific theme such as Humor, Tutorial, Recipe, etc. Don’t just go out create any random unrelated videos channel.

For e.g. If you love gadgets you can create a gadget reviews channel where you can post review videos of the latest gadgets and help people to decide whether it's a right choice for them.

2. Select a theme in which you're really interested. Analyze other videos related to your topic, see how many views those videos get.
It will help you to get an overview of how many people are interested in your theme.

3. Generally more the views more beneficial the theme is. As more people are searching for it.

4. Check out if there’s any missing concept in the currently existing videos related to your theme.

You can cover these concepts in your videos to fetch more views.

5. Give your best to engage with your audience. Study comments people leave on your videos, learn the hidden expectations that your audience has from you.

6. Try to find out what they like about your videos and what they don't. Study which videos get the highest retention rate and find the reasons behind them.

7. Spy on your competitors and try to model the things that are working for them. But never try to copy them, always maintain your uniqueness.

8. Always try to improvise each new video from the last one.

So when you look at your first videos after few years, you should think aww how bad I was earlier.

That's a good sign; it shows that you've improved.

9. Experiment, experiment and experiment. Never fear to try something new and see how it works.

Experiments are the only way where you can find new and exciting stuff which can catapult you way ahead of your competitors.

10. Finally, try to collaborate with other YouTuber's who are doing similar work.
Learn their strategies and mindset. Working together can do wonders for your channel.

11. Have fun. Do the things that you love and enjoy your life.

How To Monetize And Make Money With YouTube Channel In Kenya - 

The general rule for monetization in YouTube is very simple. More views your videos get, more money you’ll earn.

You’ll just have to enable the monetize option in your YouTube channel settings.
It's very simple.

2. Make Money From Home In Kenya Doing Cpa Marketing

What is CPA?

CPA stands for “Cost Per Action”

CPA is one of the popular ways of making money on the internet. CPA marketing is very simple: you get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and completes an action.
That action could be:

  • Providing an email address
  • Signing up for a free trial of a product
  • Downloading a mobile app
  • Requesting a quote

Check Out: Best Cpa Marketing Training

CPA is easier because you’ll earn money even if a product is not sold.

Unlike affiliate marketing where somebody must purchase a product for you to receive commissions.

CPA model works on lead generation. Many big companies are willing to pay big commissions for generating targeted leads. 

Your job is to just get them a lead, they will do rest of the work for generating a sale from those leads.

People Suitable For Making Money With Cpa

1. People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.

2. Best for people who already own a blog or website with some daily traffic.

Skills Required To Make Money With Cpa

1. Ability to promote CPA affiliate links using social media, videos, forum marketing, paid ads, etc.

2. Ability to persuade and convince people through right argument and explanation.

Time Required For Starting CPA Marketing 

To start CPA marketing and earn commissions you need find an offer to promote, then get accepted by a CPA network.

You can find an offer almost instantly but getting accepted into a CPA network might take a week.

But, once accepted you can instantly start promoting an offer of your wish.

Tips To Make Money With Cpa Marketing

1. Find different offers - Your first step here will be to find different CPA offers available in the market.

And the best way to dig them out is to visit oDigger.com and OfferVault.com.

Both these sites work as search engines for finding CPA offers. They aggregate offers from all the reputed CPA networks available worldwide.

2. Select your perfect offer - If you already own a blog in any particular niche then select an offer related to that niche. Make sure it is relevant to your blog and audience.

For e.g. If your blog talks about android app gaming, then a CPA offer which pays you when somebody installs an android game app would be perfect for you.

3. Getting accepted - Believe or not but getting accepted into CPA networks has become a huge stumbling block for most of the marketers.

Most of the CPA networks nowadays implement tough scrutiny to ensure that only high quality and legitimate marketers get access to their offers.

This is to prevent any fraud or any illegitimate activity.

Following are few tips which will help you to get in:

Be honest - CPA networks filter out scammers and not the legitimate people. So make sure the information you provide is real and isn’t shady. Don’t try to trick them.

Know you offer - If you already know what offer you want to promote then it’s a great plus point. You’ll be asked about it when you’ll fill the application.
This shows that you are one with a plan.

Know your traffic sources - While filling your application you’ll be asked about your traffic sources. So you must know how people are going to reach your offer.

Are you going to promote it through email marketing, mobile ads, writing an article on blog or anything else, you must clearly mention about it.

Optimize your blog - Once you’ve joined a network and selected your CPA offer, it’s the time to promote it on your blog. The best way to do this to integrate your affiliate links in the blog’s content. 

This is so far the best way to get higher click thru rates. Another way is you can place banners either on in the header or sidebar section. 

Always do some experiments and try to optimize your link placement to maximize your click thru rates, but while doing so ensure that you are damaging your blog’s user experience.

How To Monetize And Make Money With Cpa Marketing

Commissions for CPA offers usually range from $0.10 to $10 per action. In some niches such as Insurance, Attorney, Antivirus Software it can go upto $50 per action. 

Imagine if you could get 10 people to download a trial version of an antivirus software which pays you $50 per install, you’ll earn $500 without even selling anything.

The commission's offered are decided based on the factors such as niche, back end product cost, product demand and supply, targeted country and so on.

In order to earn maximum commissions, it is best that you choose offers which are relevant to your audience and pay higher commissions.

3. Make Money From Home In Kenya By Starting A Blog

Being a blogger is one of the easiest ways to earn money online from home.

Unlike any other job, if you are blogging from home. You don’t need to work 9-5.

You can work at any time of the day with ease.
But beware blogging takes time before it starts making money for you.

So I suggest you jump into this field slowly.

If you have a day job, don’t quit it. Start part-time with your blog.

Once it is on the stage where it is earning you more than your comfortable limits then it’s the best time to turn into full-time blogging mode.

Suitable For Starting A Blog 

People who love to write and would like to share their knowledge and expertise with the world. 

Skills Required To Start A Blog 

Ability to express knowledge in writing with simpler yet effective way. 

Time Required For Starting A Blog 

The time required depends upon your level of expertise if you are an expert you can easily start a blog within few hours.

For a complete beginner, a day or two would be sufficient to be ready with the basic setup.

Tips To  Start A Blog That Will Make You Money Online From Kenya

1. Start a blog about something in which you are really good at.

For e.g. If you love travelling and you have travelled a lot of places then start a travel blog.  
2. Always try to limit your blog to a particular domain. Don’t put content about multiple domains in one blog.

For e.g. Writing about recipe tips on a fashion blog.
Keep your blog specific to one domain only.

3. Using your experience and expertise, try to create a very unique and phenomenal content.

4. Try to give a lot of value to your readers. Write about something that will make a difference in your reader's’ life. 

5. Listen to the readers of your blog. Try to solve the problems they are facing. Always reply to their comments. Make them feel better.

6. Be committed to your blog. A blog is like a relationship. Give it some love and it will flourish. Ignore it and it will die a death.

There’s no point in being half-hearted in your blogging efforts - if you don’t care about it, why should anyone else?

7. Think about content, style, tone of voice, audience, etc.

Look at the people who already do what you’re planning to do.  Ask yourself the following questions:
  • How will I stand out from the crowd?
  • What can I say that hasn’t already been said?
  • What’s my unique selling point?
  • Why do I want to do this?

8. Be professional in the way you handle and grow your blog.

Don’t criticize other brands, bloggers or people. Remember what goes around comes around.
You don’t want something you’ve said to come back and bite you one day.

9. Be open minded and willing to collaborate with other creatives. You’ll meet some fantastic and awe-inspiring people.

How To Monetize And Make Money Online From Blogging In Kenya 

You can monetize your blog by recommending products or services related to your blog’s topic either by writing an informative article or placing banner ads on your blog’s relevant pages. 

You can earn handsome commissions when a person buys a product recommended by you.

Another way is you can place Google Adsense ads on your blog. More people click on your ads more money you will make.

4. Become An Amazon Associate And Make Money From Home In Kenya

What is the Amazon Associates Program?

Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and bloggers to create links and earns referral commissions when any of the website visitor clicks through and buys products from Amazon.

People Suitable For Making Money Online From Kenya With Amazon 

1. People who love to write, explain things in details and would like to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.

2. Best for people who already own a blog or website with some daily traffic.

Skills Required To Make Money From Amazon In Kenya

1. Ability to express knowledge in writing with simpler yet effective way.

2. Ability to persuade and convince people through right argument and explanation.

Time Required For Becoming An Amazon Associate In Kenya

To become an Amazon Associate all you need to do is visit their website and sign up. You’ll need to provide your website’s name while signing up.

Amazon will analyze your website, and if they find it appropriate according to their standards they will approve you as an official amazon associate.

The approval process might take 2 to 5 days.

Once you’re approved, find out the relevant products you want to promote on your blog then grab their affiliate links and insert them into your website.

Tips To Make Money Online From Kenya

1. Dig out relevant products - The first and most important thing is to find out the products that are relevant to your website’s or blog’s content and audience.

The more relevant the product, the better chance you’ll have of selling.

For e.g. Promoting wristwatches on a blog that teaches people to do Yoga exercises is highly unlikely to make you any sale.
But instead, if you try to promote Yoga mats, pants and books you’ll see great success.

2. Place affiliate links inside your content - Placing simple text links within the context of an article is the most effective way to get people click your affiliate links.

People trust the body of the content on a page more than any other area of the website.

Hence it is very likely that they will click on the link when it’s placed inside the content’s body.

For e.g. “Check out this cool [your aff link] smartwatch [/your aff link]. It has retained the position of No 1 bestseller since last two months.”

3. Link product images to Amazon - Images play an important role in grabbing visitor’s attention.

The another simple way to get people click on your affiliate links is to use lots of high-quality product images and make those images as clickable affiliate links.

One good thing about Amazon is that it allows you to freely use any product’s image on your website for promotional purposes.

4. Write a product review article - Doing a quality product review and writing a great article explaining all the facets of a product is another great way to generate high click thru rates and sales.

But while doing any review make sure it is of high quality and unbiased.

People shouldn’t think that you are badly trying to get them buy the product.

A high-quality review should answer all the answers and clear confusion or reservations any potential buyer might have.

Make sure your review does cover all the above-mentioned aspects.

5. Just send people to Amazon - One of the great thing about Amazon is that it is very good at converting visitors into buyers.

You don’t need to follow them nor target them with ads, Amazon will do the rest for you.

All you need to do is send them to Amazon.com through your affiliate link.

The great thing about this is when somebody visits Amazon.com through you link you get a percentage of anything they buy for the next 24 hours (30 days of they added any item to their cart).

For e.g. If one person clicks on your “Yoga Mat” affiliate link and visits Amazon.com and buys 2 wrist watches instead of a Yoga Mat within 24 hours, you’ll get commissions for the wrist watch sales even if you didn’t promote it directly.

6. Build loyalty and trust - One major factor that will boost your sales is your reader's’ loyalty and trust towards you and your website.

Most of your sales will come people who are loyal and repeat readers.

Readers who connect with you on a regular basis, over the long period, begin to trust you and your website.

So when you make any recommendation or do a review, they are more likely to take that advice than someone who they don’t trust.

How To Monetize And Make Money From Amazon Affiliate

Monetization formula is almost similar to most of the other methods discussed in this app.

More people visit Amazon.com via your affiliate link and buy products, more money you make.

Amazon.com will handle all the payment and commission processing for you so you don’t need to worry about it.
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