Friday, March 22, 2019

Cpa Marketing Bangla Tutorial Guide - Start Cpa Marketing In Bangladesh

Cpa Marketing Bangla Tutorial Guide on how to start Cpa Marketing In Bangladesh as a newbie or beginner.

What Cpa Marketing Is All About?

Cpa which stands for cost per action or cost per acquisition, Cpa Marketing is a marketing business where you sign up with an affiliate cpa network and make money on any successful lead you sent to them.

These are otherwise referred to as ( Cost Per Action ), you get paid for every action taken by your traffic visitors.

These Cpa Actions Are:

• Submitting Email,
• Download Of Apps,
• CC Submit,
• Website Registration,
• Pin Submit etc....

Once a user complete a single action required from the Cpa offer that you are promoting, you will earn.

Cpa Marketing In Bangladesh

No doubt but Cpa Marketing is for every single person in bangla who wishes to be an internet marketer and make money from cpa. People living in Bangladesh can start Cpa Marketing without any hassle or stress.

What's Needed To Start Cpa Marketing Here In Bangladesh

1. A Cpa Marketing Network Affiliate Account

Become a Cpa marketer here in Bangladesh by getting yourself a Cpa account, there are over 100 or thousands of Cpa Network to join but you can make use of my free guide on:

There are other Cpa Network for beginners out there to make use of like Cpalead, Cpagrip and others etc.

2. A Niche On The Offers You Want 

As a Bangladesh Cpa marketer to be, what you should be concerned first is getting started with a niche on the Cpa Network you sign up with, 

Here are few niche you can find in any Cpa Marketing Network

• Work At Home
• Downloads
• Email Submit
• Casino
• Bid / Auction offers etc...

3. Traffic Method For Promoting Any Offers In Bangladesh

In my previous post I talked about Free Traffic Sources For Cpa Offers and they work great but the truth is for you to make money from Cpa in Bangladesh here is a few required traffic to make use of

• Search Traffic
• Contextual Traffic
• Banner Ad
• PPV Traffic
• Social Traffic &
• Pops Traffic etc....

Once you promote your offers on any of the traffic, you will earn once it converts..

Guide On Cpa Marketing Tutorial With Bangladesh

• Visit your Cpa affiliate dashboard and browse offers,

• Choose Country Target - If you want to promote for a specific country target like Bangladesh,

• Select Offer Category - This has to do with your niche and the offers that you love to promote,

• Select your Traffic Choice - choose anyone that suits your Cpa offers

After filling all answers there a Cpa offer for what you fill will appear on the dashboard.

Here is a Cpa Offer meant for Bangladesh and other related countries.

Cpa Marketing Bangla Tutorial Wrap Up

Having become a publisher and choose a niche for your offers, next is collecting your Cpa offers Link.

1. Click on the offer that you want,
2. Choose Banner Ad Link or Direct link,
3. Copy your offer affiliate link and make sure to check its traffic method been used for the Cpa offer.

You can start Cpa Marketing In Bangladesh and make money with it simply follow the guide and promote any offers.

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