Wednesday, June 26, 2019

How To Make Money With Cpa - Free Traffic Source ( HOT )

Making Money From Any Cpa Network Using Free Traffic (Peerfly, Maxbounty,Crackrevenue etc. 

No need of explaining to you on what cpa marketing is all about but I can still give you a hint if this is the first time of you arriving to this blog.

Cpa means Cost Per Action,

So What's Cpa Marketing?

You make money with Cpa each time a supposed action is completed by a target audience in regards to an offer you are promoting.

These actions ranges from submitting details of:

• Email address,

• Phone number,
• Zip code..
• Downloading something,
• Taking a survey,
• Submitting CC details etc.

Each time such actions is completed you generate a lead and your leads converts to cash.

For each action taken, you get paid, the more the actions completed the more the cash..The pay you get per lead depends on the offers..

Promoting Cpa Offers With Free Traffic Via SEO

I doubted that it would convert at the first place but then I run a test with my newly created peerfly cpa affiliate account then boom the following day it converted.

In my previous post about Cpa Marketing Training Course, I explained and listed valuable cpa marketing training course to take and start making money on cpa affiliate marketing.

But here I will be talking about Cpa offers with free traffic sources promoting that converts quick.

Do you have any Cpa marketing network account? If yes then continue reading or go straight to:

That's why I introduced some of the courses on Cpa marketing training which most of them teaches you on how to get approved on maxbounty, peerfly or any top cpa network, how to promote cpa offers on bing for as low as $9 that converts and much more.

After creating your Cpa affiliate account successfully then head over to the offers on your dashboard,

There are thousands of Cpa offers in any cpa network, Peerfly has about 2300+ offers that you or anyone else can start promoting immediately after approved.

Haven't Gotten approved yet? Don't waste anymore time as there is one slot of an Approved Peerfly Cpa Account for sale,

You can buy an approved peerfly cpa affiliate account for $30, Are you interested? Then message me via email @

So which offers converts better with free traffic? After explaining briefly here on types of free traffic sources for cpa offers and how to promote cpa offers without a website, then you should know that any offers listed under search and social traffic is good but the best I can offer to you is email submit offers.

Email Submit Offers In Cpa Marketing And How To Find Them

email submit offers is one of the easiest cpa offers that I  regard as easy to promote cpa offers. 

It only requires users to complete an action by submitting their email address and when successfully submitted, you get conversion from your cpa network.

Steps To Finding An Email Submit Offers To Promote In Any Cpa Network 

• Visit your cpa affiliate account dashboard and click on offers,

• Click on email submit,

• Choose offer country type ( very important when promoting any cpa offers ),

• Get your affiliate code both banners and links 

• Start promoting via Free traffic / Paid traffic.

Requirements For Promoting Cpa Offers With Free Traffic Sources 

1. A Functional Blog ( If you need One I Can Set it up for you).

2. Keyword Research Tool ( Make use of semrush

3. SEO with coreseo ( Learning the in and out of SEO) 

4. Google featured snippet ranker ( Rank your web articles content with snippets ).

How To Start Promoting Your Offers Via Your Website Using Free Traffic Sources On Cpa Marketing.

👉 Create a website with Namecheap if you don't have one, 

👉 Get a good domain name and web hosting plan for your site, 

👉 Select your search offer and choose country type

👉 Do keyword research related to the offer using semrush research tool,

👉 Write a well SEO optimize content and build your website SEO with seoclerks or coreseo,

👉 Make use of snippet ranking system to rank your contents with snippets ( If you don't have this awesome eBook, then message me via email to give you access for $25 ) 

👉 Then boom conversion start rolling in day by day.

You see its easy to promote cpa offers with a website using free traffic sources for cpa offers,

The steps are:

• Build your SEO with seoclerks or coreseo,
• Do keyword research on the cpa offer,
• Create an SEO optimize content,
• Then rank it with snippets using Google featured snippet optimizer.
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Friday, May 3, 2019

How To Add My Website Or Blog To Opera News Feed

Opera News Feed And How To It Works.

Opera mini news feed introduce by opera mini is one of the most used web surf app worldwide with different types of gadgets.

The opera mini news feed was launched to help readers and visitors to opera mini to find it easier to glance through any important and attractive blog that is listed on opera news feed.

Seoclerks Review

With the thousands of clicks and visit to the Opera mini news feed which has helped blogger's to generate traffic and earnings to their website and blogs everyday by showcasing their blog titles or post everyday on Opera mini news feed.

How Adding Your Website Or Blog To Opera Mini News Feed Can Help It.

1. Blog Traffic Increases When Added To Opera Mini News Feed.

By displaying your blog or website on opera mini news feed front page you will receive traffic from thousands of people worldwide as they will be looking at your post that appears on opera mini news feed and other attractive ones.

2. Gain Popularity With Opera Mini News Feed On Your Blog.

Opera mini is currently used worldwide and has the options of changing countries which makes your blog to be shown around the world if it appears on the Opera Mini news feed.

3. More Earnings From Affiliate And Ads With Opera Mini News Feed.

Opera mini has promised to pay 50% of the traffic value and if your website or blog is monetize, you are likely to make money from Opera Mini news feed traffic.

How To Add Your Blog To Opera Mini News Feed The Right Way.

Step 1: visit your mailbox and compose an email to Or,

Step 2: write why your blog should be accepted into the opera mini news feed and your niche,

Step 3: what you will gain from the platform.

Then send and await for their reply, normally the reply within 5 days and most of the times stays upto a week so be patient.

Once they receive the mail you sent them, you will get a reply from Opera agent instructing  you to write a formal request together with your site links and they will forward it to the opera mini news feed team.

Apply the above steps and get your blog or website shown on Opera news feed
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Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easy Promote And Make Money With Cpa Offers - Cpa Affiliate Marketing Make Money With Cpa

Do you want to Promote Cpa offers like a Pro and hit 5 figures with Cpa Marketing?

Learning the best and easiest way to promote Cpa offers and make money with Cpa..

Cpa offers Range From:

• Email and zip submit Cpa offers,

• Download and Pin Submit Cpa offers,
• Work at home Cpa offers,
• Dating Cpa offers,
• CPS ( cost per sale ) Cpa offers,
• Biz / Opt in Cpa offers,
• Free trials Cpa offers,
• Bid / Auction Cpa offers,
• Loans / Payday Cpa offers,
• Coupon / Daily Deals Offers,
• Site Registration Cpa offers,
• Survey and Opinion Cpa Offers,
• Short Form Registration Cpa offers,
• Financial and Credit Cpa offers,
• Cryptocurrency Offers,
• Mobile Offers,
• Taxes and Travel Cpa offers,
• XXX Adult Cpa offers etc.......

Unlike every Cpa Marketing Network, There are over 2000+ Cpa offers to select from and Peerfly and Maxbounty is one of the largest Cpa Network has upto 2300+ Cpa offers to Promote and make money with Cpa...

Cpa Offers 

Cpa offers is a task given to you as a publisher to complete by the advertiser and get paid for each offers completed [ Cost Per Action ].

That action could be:

  • Providing an email address
  • Signing up for a free trial of a product
  • Downloading a mobile app
  • Requesting a quote

Cpa Marketing is a lot easier, you can make money from Cpa Marketing without the sale of any product.

Unlike affiliate marketing where somebody must purchase a product for you to receive commissions.

CPA model works on lead generation. Many big companies are willing to pay big commissions for generating targeted leads. 

Your job is to just get them a lead, they will do rest of the work for generating a sale from those leads.

How To Find A Good Cpa Offers To Promote

If you want to get started with any Cpa marketing network, your first step is knowing your niche in Cpa Marketing, there are niches in every Cpa Network which is :

10 Email Marketing Best Practices For Affiliate Marketers 2019

• Email and zip submit Cpa offers,
• Download and Pin Submit Cpa offers,
• Work at home Cpa offers,
• Dating Cpa offers,
• CPS ( cost per sale ) Cpa offers,
• Biz / Opt in Cpa offers,
• Free trials Cpa offers,
• Bid / Auction Cpa offers,
• Loans / Payday Cpa offers,
• Coupon / Daily Deals Offers,
• Site Registration Cpa offers,
• Survey and Opinion Cpa Offers,
• Short Form Registration Cpa offers,
• Financial and Credit Cpa offers,
• Cryptocurrency Offers,
• Mobile Offers,
• Taxes and Travel Cpa offers,
• XXX Adult Cpa offers etc.......

If you want to promote Survey Cpa offers, there are categories where Survey Offers are Inside and can be promoted.

2. Your Traffic Sources matters when it comes to Cpa Marketing and if you want to make money from Cpa Marketing then I will advise you to go for Paid traffic sources.

Bing Ads,
Google Ads,
FB Ads,
Solo Ads,
Banner Ads etc...

There is a quick guide video training with PDF on how to pull in paid traffic that converts, Check Out: Best Cpa Marketing Training

It will take you on the journey of making fast money promoting Cpa offers from any network. 

3. Applying for any Cpa Marketing Network of your choice and get approved, there are Cpa Marketing network that offers instant approval like:


• Cpagrip, 
• Adworkmedia etc...

Most of this Cpa network are meant for beginners and may not have the type of Cpa offers that you need,

Maxbounty Cpa is a pro Cpa Marketing network that is very strict when it approving of application, 

You can master every corner of Cpa Marketing In a quick eBook and video only with these Best Cpa Marketing Training

How To Promote Cpa Offers Without A Website ( Free Traffic For Cpa Offers ).

1. Social Media

This is a great tool in the hands of people who want to drive insane traffic to their website or blogs. You can adopt this method by using it to drive traffic to your Cpa offers too.

• Start Creating A Fan Page for Attracting the right audience and provide them with useful information they can used to be concerned about the offers, when they are convinced, you can easily drive the traffic to your Cpa offers.

• Facebook Advertisement

Log into your Facebook account and click on the link { create an Ad } you may be prompted to use ad creation area. You will find the ads manager button on the top right of your dashboard.

• Select Objective
• Choose Your Audience
• Set Your Budget - Daily or Lifetime
• Schedule Your Ads,
• Optimization & Pricing
• Create Your Ad.

2. Use Media Buys

You need to find the best website in your niche and contact the website owner to make an agreement over placing your ad on his or her blog by placing your link on the website of your choice that people can have access to. By doing so you are driving traffic to your offers.

3. Forum Marketing

A forum is a place from all walk of life, it is the perfect platform for meeting the prospective traffic to your Cpa offers.

Without spamming a forum contribute meaningfully to any discussion that is related to your Cpa offers,  if you are considered knowledgeable enough, you should be confident of having many people that will use your link to view the Cpa offers. Thats a good and cheap way to drive traffic to your Cpa offers.

4. Email Marketing

This requires a huge number of people in your mailing list? If you do have. You can tap into your mailing list to drive traffic to your Cpa offers.

5. Answer Platform

You have it in Yahoo, thousands of people make use of this platform daily to get answers to their problems.

To start, open an account on the platform and find any relevant post to your offer. For instance, if you have it related offers, look for IT related questions and provide answers to questions that you are familiar with, if you can showcase your deep knowledge of your choose niche, people will find it easy to buy your idea and commit themselves to your offers. If you want to link to your cpa, there is a resource box on the platform, use it to promote your link and drive free traffic.

6. Image Or Photo Sharing Traffic

This is another relatively unknown traffic source you can use to get more traffic to your Cpa offers. Instagram is known for its  photo sharing capability, it can also be used for generating traffic.

You can leverage the features of Instagram by sharing your images on the platform with a link to your website or blog.

Promoting And Making Money With Cpa Offers Through Popular Forums

Cpa Offer For Nigerians

1. Promote Cpa Offers Through Popular Forums.

Popular forums like Quora, Reddit, Nairaland, Medium etc are free popular forums that has a large number of members not less than 1,000,000 and growing every day, 

They are free to register with, and are regarded as a best free traffic source.

How To Promote Your Cpa Offers

It's a simple guide on how to promote cpa offers that takes not less than a minute to complete,

1. Search for your desired Cpa offers and check if it has ( Search ) traffic method enabled, 

If you can't locate your Offers area then email your account manager and ask him to provide you with Cpa offers that can be promoted through SEO and you will receive a reply containing offers that can be promoted through search.

2. Select the Offer Category that you want to start promoting, these offers maybe:

• Work at home,
• Mobile Downloads,
• Pin Submit,
• Auction... Etc

3. Copy the offers link and make use of some url shortener like to shorten your affiliate link and choose any forum website I listed above that you need to use for promoting.

• Create an account with them and verify your email address if needed then complete your registration.

Read More: How To Promote Cpa Offers Without A Website

How To Promote Cpa Offers With A Website ( Paid Ads & Traffic )

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Banner Ads, Solo Ads and many more has proven to be a powerful marketing channel for promoting Cpa offers and making money from Cpa Marketing.

Steps Promote Cpa Offers With Facebook Ads

Log into your Facebook account and click on the link { create an Ad } you may be prompted to use ad creation area. You will find the ads manager button on the top right of your dashboard.

• Select Objective - 
• Choose Your Audience - each Cpa offers is country targeted,
• Set Your Budget - Daily or Lifetime
• Schedule Your Ads,
• Optimization & Pricing
• Create Your Ad.

Promoting And Making Money With Cpa Offers Through Bing Ads

Get your Cpa offer tracking link code, you also need a functional website with a Landing page before taking the step of using a paid traffic to your Cpa offers.

1. Set up your Bing account,

2. Create a Bing Ads account,
3. Add your payment options,
4. Do your keyword research,
5. Create your campaign,
6. Set up Ad groups and Keyword
7. Write your Ad,
8. Add your credit card,
9. Evaluate and Optimize Ads..

How To Promote And Make Money With Cpa Through Google Adwords

Goto Google AdWords and sign up

• Choose network type,

• Choose your Bid strategy,
• Create Ad groups,
• Create Ad..

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How To Promote Cpa Offers Without A Website

You don't need to create a landing page, run adverts before you start to promote Cpa offers and the good news is that you are going to learn how to promote Cpa offers without a website.

Best Way To Promote Cpa Offers Without A Website

Here is a Simple best way to promote Cpa offers without a website,

• Sign Up For a publisher's affiliate Cpa Account or login to your affiliate dashboard to get started.

1. Goto your offers page where you can choose from the type of offer to promote,

2. Select your desired offer type and copy the affiliate link to the offer,

3. Read it's method of Promotion and proceed to the main solution.

How To Get Started To Promote Cpa Offers Without Creating A Website

You don't need to worry as it's a free traffic method to promote your Cpa offers and earn commission from them as a newbie or as a beginner.

1. Promote Cpa Offers Through Popular Forums.

Popular forums like Quora, Reddit, Nairaland, Medium etc are free popular forums that has a large number of members not less than 1,000,000 and growing every day, 

They are free to register with, and are regarded as a best free traffic source.

How To Promote Your Cpa Offers

It's a simple guide on how to promote cpa offers that takes not less than a minute to complete,

1. Search for your desired Cpa offers and check if it has ( Search ) traffic method enabled, 

If you can't locate your Offers area then email your account manager and ask him to provide you with Cpa offers that can be promoted through SEO and you will receive a reply containing offers that can be promoted through search.

2. Select the Offer Category that you want to start promoting, these offers maybe:

• Work at home,
• Mobile Downloads,
• Pin Submit,
• Auction... Etc

3. Copy the offers link and make use of some url shortener like to shorten your affiliate link and choose any forum website I listed above that you need to use for promoting.

• Create an account with them and verify your email address if needed then complete your registration.

Best Cpa Offers To Promote And How To Promote Them

All accounts creation done, let's get started with promoting the best cpa offers.

Want to promote Cpa offers without a website here is a lucrative offer to promote which is easier to convert:

Email / Zip Submit Offers

These offers only require input of a target traffic email address, if an email submit offers is meant for UK residents and once you begin to promote the offer a UK residents input his email, you get paid.

How To Promote Email / Zip Submit Offers In Forums

• Click on create a new topic to make a post,

• Select the Offer Category: if it's an offer on work at home offers input the hashtag and categories it,

• Make a keyword research on some work at home topics and pick out few keywords with high search volume,

• Write at least a very detailed info depending on the keyword that you have researched or you could have written,

• Embed the shorten cpa offer link on the post and hit publish.

No need to worry about ranking in on google or bimg, some of these popular forums are well seo optimized to rank..

Wrapping Up On How To Promote Cpa Offers Without A Website

Forums are not the only popular place you can promote your cpa offers, you can also promote on a niche popular social media groups and many more...

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Cpa Marketing And It's Earning Potential

Cpa Marketing and it's earning potential about how much you can make with Cpa Marketing.

Its no doubt that you heard people saying I earn $1000 with Cpa Marketing and others saying I earn $10,000 a day with Cpa Marketing and they keep on earning over and over again. 

Now how could they be earning such amount with Cpa Marketing ?

Earning With Cpa Marketing

You getting started with Cpa Marketing and earning with it should be your top priority as an internet marketer, starting from :

• finding your niche with your cpa network ( work at home, insurance, downloads etc), 
• choosing from the best converting offer, 
• getting your affiliate link for promotion and drive leads to them to earn from Cpa Marketing.

Now it doesn't end there, Making money with Cpa is a different thing but setting up your earning board is what matters. 

Choosing Your Earning Potential With Cpa Marketing

You can set up your target to be earning $100 a day or $1000 a day, you are the only person limiting yourself from earning big with Cpa Marketing and your potential in earning with any Cpa networks depends on your traffic and offer that you choose to promote.

Cpa Marketing Earning Theory

Let's check how you can be able to limit yourself from your ability to earn with Cpa Marketing.

1. High Paying Offers

I strongly believe that this is the reason why you came across this blog post on Cpa Marketing and it's earning potential well I will be glad to tell you that the offer that you choose to promote is the ability that your earnings with Cpa got stuck, no doubt that you have made few bucks trying to promote an offer but you could make much more if you try other offers with higher Payout.

Find a Cpa offer for your country, discover it's niche and their method of Promotion, do a keyword research about it and promote with your traffic method.

2. Traffic Sources

Another thing stopping you from earning big with Cpa Marketing, you might start as a Beginner with Cpa and start making use of free traffic source for Cpa marketers, no doubt that you will surely earn but don't compare yourself with those that makes use of paid traffic source, you will earn as a cpa marketer making use of free traffic but they will earn more as a paid traffic promoter.

In other words, the traffic source you make use of depends on the total amount of earning that you bargain from Cpa Marketing.

3. Setting Up Your Ad Budget

The big earners on Cpa Marketing can testify that the amount you spend promoting a high payout offer can bring in 5x earning of the ad budget.

Assuming you are promoting a Cpa offer that pays $300 per lead and your ad budget is $100 per day, there is no doubt that you will earn more than what you spend.


1. Find a high paying offer,
2. Find its country target to avoid loosing money,
3. Promote with a paid ads 
4. Do keyword research on the offer before promoting it.

Why Cpa Marketing Is Easy To Earn With Than Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers earns with CPS ( Cost Per Sale ) they make money once someone purchase a product through your affiliate link while In Cpa Marketing you earn as a publisher once someone completes a specific action required from the Cpa Network which includes:

• Submitting Email,
• Downloading Of Apps,
• Joining Survey Sites,
• Pin Submit etc....

Now you see there is no limitations in you earning with Cpa Marketing and you can earn as much as you want from Cpa.

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